Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Young, Wild and Free?

So first of all, I would just like to say, I'm not twenty yet... turn twenty May 27th of this year! Whoop! I wanted to start this blog to kind of get my mind to start thinking out loud again and not keep everything crammed up in there like always. I have other blogs, Life as a Teenager (which obviously I wont be one for much longer) and Dear Future Husband. So my very first topic that I want to get off my chest is... Young, Wild and Free?

To the people who get married at a young age, don't get offended!
I'm a sophomore in college and already two of my dear friends have gotten married. Out of high school about 1/2 of my graduating class has at least one kid, engaged, married or in a serious relationship and don't get me wrong. I would LOVE that, but why rush into things? So first topic is being young. When I always discuss about falling in love and having a family, my mother always tells me, "What's the rush Theresa? Are you wanting a divorce in the future because getting married this young is like signing the divorce papers already..." which I mean, can be true but want if the two of them are seriously madly in love? But what the hell is love now days? A married man hit on my the other day, and a older (divorced) man gave me his number in front of his 12 year old son, so please, if you know the true meaning of love, let me hear it because everyone that I know, has not proven me wrong. But, if I were to fall in love and I mean IN love, I would know, I would feel it because I am a women. Now men, always say "we are the confusing ones" but I on the other hand no exactly what I want, but no man believes that especially if they have been broken in the past which sucks because girls like "US" (the good ones that are left out there) are stuck alone because the guys are scared to fall for another girl that might eventually break their heart. Now, I would love to find that right guy right now, just because I can have all these years ahead of us, getting to know one another more and not have to rush into things. So when people say we are young... they can kiss my ads, because I feel this generation has grown up so quickly, that us 20 year olds are now known as "Old farts" to the kids. Lets do what we want to do. If we want to fall in love, go fall in love. If we get heartbroken, pick yourself off of that ground and go back out there. There is a man for each and everyone of us, he just needs to stick around long enough to see the true meaning of a "relationship" and instead of just thinking about sex all the damn time. DONT GIVE IT UP. (at least not yet...) speaking of, the guy I really really like did just text me... I take that back, GUYS ARE DOUCHE BAGS do not fall for their stupid shot that they put in your head because its all full of lies!

Wild. Everyone LOVES to be wild. I mean, I'm a red head and you know what they say about red heads, we love to have fun! But I'm not that crazy... anyways, going back up to the other topic above, we are young so why not have fun while we can? My mom always tells me her stories of when she was younger and all the fun she had and how she doesn't regret a thing. Well, I don't want to regret anything that I do. My mom didn't get married until she was 27 I believe, and didn't have me until she was 28. She experienced her life before she settled down, which I think was wise. Go out, explore, meet people, travel, do things you never thought you would do and most of all, enjoy the little things, enjoy life itself.

Free. We are all free in our own way, but my free, is being away from everyone, being away from the city and see the open outdoors and see life's beauty for what it truly is. Go find your free place and visit it once a month, you'll start thanking God he created such beauty and forget all the negativity that you have had in your life. Go try it.

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